Wednesday, June 22, 2011


First off, I would like to heartily thank the five people that have commented on my blog!  Your comments have been so wonderful to read, thank you, thank you, thank you!
Well, for years I have wanted to get my own dog.  And on Sunday, it happened!  He is a Yorkie mix, though I'm not sure what he's mixed with, and he is the most lovable dog that I've ever met.  His name is Bradley.
It's been a kind of hard adjustment, especially with our other dog, Dillon.  But I think things are starting to get better.

Yesterday some of my family and I took him and Dillon on a long walk to a spot near the river.  It was so lovely and sunny out, but I was in a bad mood.  My camera was acting up again and no matter how hard I tried, I just couldn't get the picture to look as nice as it did through my eyes.  We were settled right by a sidewalk that went under a bridge, and right over the river.  Rocks were piled up on the side and a metal railing went along the edge.  I thought it would be perfect for pictures, but my camera is slowly dying.  I was only able to get a few, and they just weren't working.  So I was grumpy, and sadly, had a hard time having fun.  I look back on yesterday and feel ashamed about my attitude.  I should have just put the camera down, and had a good time.
But despite it all, I was able to get a few nice pictures.

1 comment:

  1. What a cute dog.
