Tuesday, August 21, 2012


Time passes.
Leaves turn yellow early this year.
Memories cling,
but must be left behind.
It's time to move on.

The photos are of Emily, my dear friend who came up to visit over the summer.  I miss her like crazy.  I wish some things went on forever.

But the summer is over now.  Autumn is starting, early even for Alaska.  Leaves are dying, falling, stripping their trees of color, readying them for their next stage.  I need to move on, too.

I will never forget this summer, ever.  It can easily be called the best summer of my life.  The new friends I have made will last forever.  Maybe even longer. 

Yesterday I started 10th grade.  So far everything is going well.  I'm thankful that it is still warm enough to go outside and breathe without the negative temperatures freezing my throat.  I love the autumn, but it is so sad.  This year will be good, though.  I'm excited about what God has in store for me and my family.

I'm ready to start a new surge of creativity.  I can feel it running through my veins.  I wonder what it will look like when it's drawn out on paper or in words.  I'll give you a peek at it in my next post, hopefully.  And I'll leave you with that.

Have a beautiful rest of the summer, everyone.  



(From weheartit.com)

Other pictures taken by me.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

I hardly ever use other people's pictures, but I haven't taken any worth blogging lately.  Besides that, none of them can really portray my mood right now. 

Being back from camp has been a constant struggle.  With no strict, planned schedule like I've grown used to, it's hard to get things done.  Bit by bit I'm starting to finish projects.  But it's hard to be inspired after growing used to being surrounded by nature.  Meals are quiet with only four members of my family at home; the complete opposite of the noisy dining hall with 70+ people all eating in one room.  

The Olympic Games have been rolling as well.  The Olympics are pretty much the only times my family watches television.  The constant chatter in the background is more distraction and it's starting to overwhelm my mind.  Sometimes my brain hurts so much, I just want to leave.

But then the past few hours, my brain has been blank, save the memories that float back from camp.  I'll start laughing while I'm washing dishes, remembering the time when Sarah and I found a frog on the boardwalk and showed it to everyone in the dining hall.  Memories are all I have left of this year of camp.  Yet memories are one of the most precious things I gained over the entire summer.  I also gained friends. :)

But Summer is coming to a close and Autumn is pulling nearer.  Surely by then I will be back on my feet, optimistic and excited, looking for inspiration in the leaves and the sky and the buildings.  I'm excited about the rest of this year.  It's going to be good.

With love,


(All the pictures came from my weheartit.  You can find me here: http://weheartit.com/melodyinink )