Sunday, December 11, 2011

My Birthday

My birthday was nearly a month ago now.  It seems already that it years ago, and the next one should be coming around the corner sooner or later.
Well, here's just a little recap of what I did.
First, after eating homemade donuts, I got a surprise of some money to get my ears pierced! 
I was very nervous because the lady piercing them said people had fallen down on their faces because of low blood sugar.  But it went very well, despite my worries, and though it hurt, it didn't bleed at all.
Next, I made for my dinner, a French stew!  It was inspired by Julia Child's Boeuf Bourguignon (I hope I spelled that right) recipe.  It was delicious!  

It is two weeks until Christmas.  I'm looking forward to the baking, the celebrations, the love, the laughter, the gifts and the gingerbread.  Most of all, I'm looking forward to a little break from school.

I've been having a bit of a hard time getting pictures lately, especially ones outdoors since our only daylight is during school hours.  Getting creative indoors has been a bit of a struggle for me lately because I'm in this house so much it begins to feel dull.  It's hard to look at it with a fresh eye and see the creativity peeking out from in between the cracks in my floor.  I'm getting there, though.
Today's been a little bit hard.  I was hoping to go to a dance recital that my ballet class is performing a dance in.  I'm not in the dance because I thought it'd be too hectic during theatre week, and I really need to focus more on school.  I learned the dance (kind of) though and wanted to see it.  It didn't work out because no one else was able to come along and, unfortunately, I cannot drive yet.  Then my siblings and I were planning to go to a movie we've been looking forward to, called Hugo.  Needless to say, that didn't quite work out either.  I'm pretty disappointed because both of the events I have been looking forward to for over three months.  It's not quite that they didn't happen that's frustrating, it's more the fact that what got in the way was little last minute plans that hadn't been decided on much ahead of time.  The time will come though.  I must say, I cannot wait until I can drive. :)
I'll try to come up with some more creative posts in the future, but for now, lots of love and Merry Christmas.


1 comment:

  1. Happy birthday for last month! Sounds like you had a lovely time!
