Thursday, September 8, 2011

Birch Hill Part 1

I'm terribly sorry it has taken me so long to post.  Part of my delay has been school, another part my lack of pictures.  But I have some now!  On the weekend last, my family went up to walk at Birch Hill.  I'm taking a photography class for school and one of my assignments was a self portrait outdoors.  I seized the opportunity and took lots so I'd have plenty of choices. 
I chose a place just off the road, in the woods.  The ground was covered in moss and decaying leaves, with the green of various feathery plants.  I had to sit on the ground and got very dirty, but I didn't mind at all.  Being out in nature is such an enjoyment.  I'm trying to soak up as much of the nice weather we're having as I can, before it gets too cold to enjoy the outdoors. 

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